Guru is more than just patient education software. With the addition of the all new Guru Connect
Treatment Reminder System Guru now walks the practice and the patient through the discovery
process of why they need to choose better care.
Increasing engagement on your website, welcoming patients in a distinctive way to your practice while
raising their dental IQ, creating custom lobby presentation for your customers, chair-side clinical
wizards, personalized treatment presentation for in the office and at home, as well as the ability to target
and message to your patient base compelling visual presentations specific to their personal health
history, Guru has developed a one of kind Patient Management System.
The result?
Our doctors are attracting more patients, delivering the care the patients should be saying yes to, and
developing long lasting relationships with their patient base.
Tell me, and I will forget;
show me, and I may remember;
involve me, and I will understand.
Did you know?
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People only remember 11% of what they hear, but about 83% of what they see.
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A recent study conducted by the Wharton School of Business revealed that audiences found visual presentations to be 70% more persuasive.
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It’s estimated that 90% of all case treatment plans that go untreated are a direct result of the patient’s lack of understanding.
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Approximately 87% of all significant financial and health decisions are made at home with loved ones.
Set up a personalized presentation with one of our qualified Sales Representatives by calling 1-888-331-GURU (4878)
Brusher Bailey Ed-Venture Series has arrived!
Brusher Bailey Ed-Venture Series
is a comprehensive program
developed by the creators of
Guru to educate and entertain
young patients by promoting the
importance of good oral health
in a fun and easy way.
Animated 3d Episodes:
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Attack of the Biofilm
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Seal the Deal
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Power Brushing
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Find the Difference
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Word Search
Embed Online Games:
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Plaque Whack
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Power Brush Rush
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Biofilm Attack
Patient Giveaways:
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Brusher Bailey Toothbrush
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Sebastian Floss
To purchase the Brusher Bailey Ed-Venture Series please call
1-888-331-GURU (4878)
or visit